Wonder & Dignity
Look with wonder at the depth of the Father's wondrous love that he has lavished on us! He has called us and made us his very own beloved children. (1 John 3:1-6)
Such amazing mysteries are found within every miracle
that nearly everyone seems to miss.
Those with no discernment can never really discover
the deep and glorious secrets hidden in your ways. (Psalm 92:6)
There is nothing like looking out at softly falling snow on a wintery night. So many poets have tried to capture the hush held at the moment. But have you ever noticed how moving things all require the choice to slow down and catch them?
As an art teacher, at the start of every school year, we discuss the topic of beauty in its universal role in society and within human wiring. Some things are beautiful to a careful eye. Yet, some things hold a universal awe-inspiring response. For example, mountains have awe-inspiring beauty and hold strength and mystery to be dangerous. Is that not a picture of the Divine in His splendor?
There are things, both macro and micro, that are so inspiring we have limitless testimonies of the Beauty of God. Yet… God would turn his face to what he molded in the dirt and gift that mound of clay with his very breath. Yet we do not see the beauty in ourselves?
Have we cheapened the meaning and distorted reality so much that we misuse the word?
I was at a high school play a couple weeks ago. In Peter and the Starcatcher, there was a moment where everything touched by stardust became its most authentic and deepest wish. Fishes turned into the image of humans and became mermaids, for example. I want to communicate plainly our importance as humans. Jesus, the Son of God, died to restore us to the Father. The devil hates us and wants us to be eternally separated from God and from his gifts and purposes for us. Creation is longing for the revealing of God's sons so it can be restored.
God is the center of all created things, but man… we are the doorway and direction of creation. As we go, so the world goes.
I have been mulling on occupying my own story so much in the last 3 months. I've contemplated the glory within me. The realm of Jesus and my own domain. This deep dive brought me an awareness of the value and the discernment needed to seek out the hidden secrets of God's way, which is also alive in me and around me.
We can see God in anything and yet miss him in everything without a heart posture of wonder.
What does wonder look like? You'll know when you see it. Your heart will respond to the clues, and you won't be able to tear your eyes away.
What does wonder feel like? It moves the soul. It produces joy. It roots you in love.
I was challenged on another occupation level when exploring wonder just yesterday. If I am crowned by Jesus and commissioned to rule and reign, part of occupying is the topic of honor.
Yes, it is also making a place for the Lord to honor me.
Yes, this means that I don't need to advocate for myself or make sure that people see the great things I do.
The challenge for me in this was not a matter of pride but poverty. How much am I willing to receive? How long am I willing to wait?
Dishonor is optional and abnormal. I have been given a seat of honor. So am I receiving the honor, glory, and blessings God gives me? Or do I receive them and then give them away? Do I try to earn the gift? Do I stop conversations around me that dishonor? Do I stop myself from dishonoring myself and other people? Truthfully I grow in dignity when I communicate with the Lord and see myself as he sees me.
I didn't grow up with this training. So the Lord has had to rewrite many of my mental programs away from lack and comparison, for example.
The word dignity is significant. I think that is why suicide bothers me so much. People under this compulsion are so deceived of their dignity and worth that everything they hear is covered in curses. I cannot love a person, compliment them, or try to pray for them enough that this will be the change. But I can honor the Lord's creation and give that person dignity.
The dictionary describes dignity as being the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
Guess what? God ascribed to us that dignity. We can respond to God in worship when we see it in ourselves. We have known the revelation. We can then give it away to others. So, this holiday season, my prayer for you is one of reflection and contemplation: that you would see dignity given to you by Christ and allow the embers of your heart to grow hotter and warmer in the presence of this revelation. May it change the way we love each other. May it change our testimonies.
"Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness. The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters." (Psalm 92: 1)
The Wonder Challenge:
This month is about more than finding moments of glory and taking notice. That would be just another task. Let's be honest; no one needs another task in December. However, December is a month created and blessed with alignment. Have you ever noticed that you tend to have things fall away that are not important in December? Or have you gained clarity and momentum for the new year in December? It's the natural blessing of the Lord for us to find.
With that in mind, create space in your schedule to get on your face before the Lord. Place encountering Him as a higher priority than the stuff you can get done.
His eyes are like flames of fire.
His whispers are everywhere.
His love is all-consuming.
He, himself, is enough to satisfy.
Encountering the Lord changes us.
The eyes of your heart would be enlightened to see how wide and high, how deep and long is the love of Christ. You have no better anchor if you are firmly planted on that love. In that place, there is no futility, there is no poverty, there is no lack, no performance, and no striving.
The holiday season is hard for many because instead of encountering perfect love, we meet and fix our eyes on all the ways people can fall short. But what if this year was different? What if we went to the Lord to get our needs met first? What if this month, before we even needed love to swallow up our pain and sorrows, we went to the feet of Jesus?
We'd be full. That's what! No matter what people do, it cannot affect us because our needs have been met. The challenge will be to shake off the temptation to lay on other people our own expectations and to shake off agreements with an offense. Love is a gift, and it has many forms, including time. The moment expectation is put on, it becomes less of a gift and more of a performance.
Once you encounter the Lord inside this place of rest, his deep, deep heart…wonder is everywhere. Truly where your eyes fix, your feet follow. So what will it be? This year, will you focus on seeing the Brilliance of the Lord? His micro, macro, creation, and Spirit? Will you allow the dignity that is Christ to shape your life and your heart? Or… will you go over the past again and the storylines of countless failed Christmases and relational letdowns? It's hard to stay depressed, sad, and lonely in the Presence of the Lord.
As one who has struggled with disappointment this year, I'm eager to trade up. Those who come into the Presence alignment and strategy will be released, which is crucial for the next season. Both in the posture of the heart and in the choice to come, we will see and feel the fruit of our effort more solidly in the new year. I'd love to know if I was part of a community of seekers this year. I will open my heart and my time to Him if you will.
MK Hart.